

GEOMAP is a technology-based company in energy and applied science. Thanks to its thirty years of experience serving the oil industry, it is a benchmark in South America, providing value to companies in the sector, minimizing risks and optimizing their investments, through geological exploration and development services.

Currently, it is expanding and diversifying its services to the mining industry, applying tested analogous methodologies in the exploration of continental brines with lithium and incorporating new technologies by the hand of a team of highly trained professionals in the different stages of exploration for gold, silver, copper, among others.


XR S.R.L. The Beginning

XR Exploracionistas Regionales y Servicios S.R.L. was founded as a geological services company in hydrocarbon exploration and development focused on structural and stratigraphic surface surveys. With vast experience and professionals from YPF and YPFB, XR S.R.L. is positioned in Argentina and Bolivia thanks to its high technical level, reliability and contractual compliance, and high safety standards in jungle and puna-altiplano work environments.


GEOMAP was born as a Geosciences company applied to oil and gas exploration and development for South America, leaving XR S.R.L. focused on logistics.

In this sense, GEOMAP builds and increases capacities through a highly qualified multidisciplinary group that proposes to add value in projects and areas of interest by increasing knowledge as a risk reduction factor.

CFGP. Capacity building

GEOMAP has developed the Continuing Education Center for Petroleum Geologists and Geoscientists, a training structure that seeks to promote the growth of individual and corporate capabilities.

Pedagogically designed, the CFGP seeks the transfer and synergic exchange of applied knowledge as a determining factor in risk reduction.


GEOMAP forms together with CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina) the private-public joint venture LA.TE. ANDES S.A. ANDES S.A.

LA.TE. ANDES is an international reference company in geochronology and thermochronology studies, applied to the solution of geological-analytical problems in the productive areas of Oil-Gas and Mining.

MINING. Growth and diversification

GEOMAP develops its line of cutting-edge solutions applied to the mining field, proposing added value in order to increase knowledge and reduce risk in areas or structures of interest.

GEOMAP's expertise and know-how is applied to ore deposits and evaporite-hypersaline systems.


GEOMAP celebrates 30 years as an applied geoscience company increasing knowledge, a strategic variable in risk reduction, decision making and investment optimization.

In this way, the company has become an innovative entity proposing cutting-edge solutions, consolidating the added value in each client's scenarios.



To add value to the oil and mining industry by providing geological services in exploration and development processes, through the expertise of 30 years of work of our multidisciplinary team, in order to minimize risk and optimize the investments of the companies in the industry.


To be recognized in South America as the leading company in geological services and cutting-edge solutions applied to the oil and mining industry.
